OpenSourceCorp Blog
Blog posts by the folks at OSC
Progress Report 2022-09-05
Ryan J. Price, 2022-09-05, 4m read
Wooooo boy howdy, what a STRETCH it’s been. Lots of things in life & work have come up and kept me away from working on OSC, but I wanted to throw out something quick to let folks know that neither I nor the project are dead. rhad has been under a lot of recent work. It is now version v0.3.0. While most of the updates were a lot of internal refactoring that aren’t going to be very visible to users, the minor-version bump is because rhad now runs go vet as part of its Go linter runs. (more)
Progress Report 2022-06-20
Ryan J. Price, 2022-06-20, 9m read
Some heavy updates in this one, so buckle up for what’s changed! Secrets management Up until now, OSC has been strictly leveraging an implementation of Salt’s Pillar functionality for secrets management – and that implementation is the default, which is “store all secrets on the configmgmt disk”. While this has worked fine (and can be a valid strategy in some enterprise environments), it’s not what you would call “best-practice”. If the configmgmt subsystem itself is ever compromised, every single piece of sensitive data is accessible to the attacker at once – default Pillar data is just stored in plaintext on disk. (more)
Progress Report 2022-06-05
Ryan J. Price, 2022-06-05, 3m read
Not too long between updates this time, but I’ve got a few neat pieces of news to share. First and foremost, you may recall that I said we’d gotten a domain name ( in a previous post. For some time now, it’s really just had some redirect rules to point folks to the GitHub Org, and to the GitHub Pages site for blog posts. But now, it’s a real-ass website! You might even be reading this post on it right now! (more)
Progress Report 2022-05-15
Ryan J. Price, 2022-05-15, 4m read
(Checks date of last post, sweats profusely) Not a ton of changes in this update, I’ve had a lot of things come up these past few months that have prioritized my attention (a few conference talks to prepare for, dog & personal health issues, house repairs, work-work, etc). But some impactful updates nonetheless! All OSC infrastructure repos have now been consolidated into a single monorepo, osc-infra. This implies that you should expect old links to the individual infra repos to be broken. (more)
Progress Report 2022-02-27
Ryan J. Price, 2022-02-27, 3m read
More radio silence as ever more work has been done across OSC. As you’ll see from the list below though, this is a really big set of changes/new stuff! The conflation of infrastructure repos with application repos has grown to be a potential source of confusion for readers. As such, OSC should shortly be moving from a mono-org source, to orgs separated by identifier (opensourcecorp-infra, opensourcecorp-apps, etc). This should make it more clear what type of repo you’re looking at when you’re browsing a certain org. (more)
Progress Report 2022-01-02
Ryan J. Price, 2022-01-02, 4m read
Happy New Year! Over the holiday season, I’ve had about a week of dedicated time to do a lot of net-new work for OSC, as well as to go back and do some much-needed cleanup & consolidation across several of the core codebases. First & foremost, we’ve now got a working OCI image registry! gnar needs one for custom images, so it turned into a priority pretty quick. The registry is called photobook, which is our implementation of the Harbor registry software. (more)
OSC local bootstrapper available
Ryan J. Price, 2021-12-11, 2m read
OpenSourceCorp (OSC) development continues to chug along. Below are some of the updates we’ve been hard at work on, when time presents itself. One of the net-new things we’ve worked on recently is the introduction of a (working) service-discovery implementation via HashiCorp Consul (named “faro”, which means “lighthouse” in a few Latin-root languages). Updates to aether allow for each platform/app to easily register themselves with the Consul cluster, and be discoverable via clean domain names and not IP addresses anymore, with two foundational exceptions that still need known IPs at their first launch (faro itself, and aether). (more)
OSC updates: hosting decision & live services!
Ryan J. Price, 2021-10-04, 2m read
OpenSourceCorp (OSC) development has slowed down in recent months as Ryan (founder & maintainer) has gotten caught up in work-work. However, with renewed motivation (looming conference talk at SaltConf21, presenting on OSC!), we’re back at it again! One of the chief goals of OSC has been to have its services live on an as-unmanaged-as-possible platform, in the service of helping to teach the community all about the core functionality of computing, storage, networking, and security. (more)
New architecture diagram!
Ryan J. Price, 2021-07-25, 1m read
OpenSourceCorp’s home repo has a new architecture diagram up! This diagram provides a high-level layout of the architecural flows for the current & future core OpenSourceCorp platforms. It’s pretty rough at the time of this posting, but I’m not exactly a designer :) If you peruse the various repos across OSC, you’ll notice that most are still empty placeholders, not-yet-functional, or still need some serious work – but many have continued to receive updates to their codebases (still just me over here! (more)
Announcing OpenSourceCorp!
Ryan J. Price, 2021-07-05, 5m read
Today, I’m very excited to finally announce the public launch of OpenSourceCorp – the free and open-source enterprise. This is something I’ve been working towards for a few months now, and while it’s been public the entire time, it’s finally in a spot worth sharing with the rest of the world. My contributions to the open-source community all started with an ndJSON logging framework for R that I wrote at work, to solve a very specific set of challenges I was having. (more)