OSC updates: hosting decision & live services!
By Ryan J. Price @ 2021-10-04 21:15:00 -0500 CDT; reading time 2mOpenSourceCorp (OSC) development has slowed down in recent months as Ryan (founder & maintainer) has gotten caught up in work-work. However, with renewed motivation (looming conference talk at SaltConf21, presenting on OSC!), we’re back at it again!
One of the chief goals of OSC has been to have its services live on an as-unmanaged-as-possible platform, in the service of helping to teach the community all about the core functionality of computing, storage, networking, and security. We have deliberately steered away from public cloud hosting such as Amazon Web Services or DigitalOcean in pursuit of this goal. However, thanks in part to the current market prices for computer/server cluster components, setting up a meaningfully-powerful & redundant home system (on Proxmox, for example) is cost-prohibitive, and until OSC builds more momentum this cost is likely not very warranted.
So, for the time being, OSC will indeed be hosted on AWS. We will continue to work towards our goal of self-hosting, but the flexibility & cost (especially using Spot Instances) will allow us to iterate in the open much more quickly.
The other good news here is that public clouds like AWS tend to be more approachable out of the gate than our desired solution, so this should still be beneficial to users of the platform.
All that being said: we now have live services!
You can’t see them yet, because they’re all internal (ymir, aether, & chonk, specifically, with gnar coming next); but seeing all the work & development tooling come together and so well-replicate the local dev environments has been very rewarding.
The promise & reality of OSC is starting to all come together, and we’re looking forward to you being a part of it!
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